[AstroNet] Posters

Astronomy education in SA - email discussion group astronet at mail.saasta.ac.za
Mon Jul 30 13:41:56 SAST 2007

Dear Claire,
The star-lore and solar system posters are available at the SAAO at a cost 
of R30 each. We could probably order large stocks of the star-lore which 
will reduce the cost even lower. The solar poster is copyright, so we 
cannot reduce the price, but SAASTA's posters are superb and they are much 
cheaper. We paid R15 each which included the courier cost.

We can send you some posters, but the cost of transport is the main 
contributer to the final poster cost. We will be at TechnoX as well as 
Science Unlimited, so we can always bring you some posters?
Let me know the next step.


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