[AstroNet] IYA updates

Kevin Govender kg at saao.ac.za
Wed Jan 2 17:50:14 SAST 2008

Greetings to all and a happy new year to everyone.
This is going to be a bumper year in preperation for 2009 and once again 
I appeal to you on behalf of the IYA steering committee to contact me 
with ideas or offers of assistance. Our significant role on the 
international scene has ensured that there will always be more 
opportunities than time, so in order to utilise those opportunities we 
will either need to extend the length of day beyond 24 hours or get more 
people on board. My discussions with the IAU on extending the length of 
day have not been successful so I appeal for more people to lend their 
time to the cause.

Below are some general updates from the international front (and yes, 
more great opportunities) - I trust everyone by now knows that the UN 
has made the declaration and IYA2009 is OFFICIAL! (for more see 

IYA2009 logo on NASA Space Shuttle*
We are proud to announce that the International Year of Astronomy 2009 
logo will fly on the upcoming NASA Space Shuttle STS-125 to service the 
Hubble Space Telescope. The logo will be on a small patch attached to 
the outside of a carrier for the Wide Field Camera.
More information about the STS-125 Mission:

*Wikipedia IYA2009 and astronomy entries *
As you know, nowadays, Wikipedia is one of the main sources of 
information. Make sure that you create an IYA2009 entry in your own 
language Wikipedia.
Our colleagues from Poland have decided to correct the polish Wikipedia 
entries concerning astronomy and the Universe. Maybe your group can 
follow in their steps and help improve the content and quality of the 
astronomy entries on Wikipedia.
More information: http://www.astronomia.pl/english/index.php?w=1&id=99
The English Wikipedia IYA2009 entry: 

*New Special Task Group: Solar Physics*
Following a strong proposal from the community, a new task group 
dedicated to Solar Physics was established. The aim of this task group 
is to serve as reference desk for Educational and Public Outreach Solar 
Astronomy and EPO content provider to the different cornerstone 
projects. Please check the task group progress report on: 

*Cosmic Diary*
The Cosmic Diary is one of the eleven cornerstone projects that will 
support the International Year of Astronomy 2009.
At this point, we are putting together a preliminary list of candidates 
(12 men and 12 women) to take part of the Cosmic Diary as bloggers. In 
this scope, we would like to ask for your input, in suggesting the name 
of an astronomer from your country whom you would consider a good choice 
to be a part of this project.
You can find more information regarding the Cosmic Diary at the official 
IYA2009 web site: http://www.astronomy2009.org/content/view/295/84/

*Global Cornerstone Projects*
IYA2009 is so far supported by 99 National Nodes, 14 Organisational 
nodes , 9 Organisational Associates, 11 Global Cornerstone projects and 
7 IYA2009 Task Groups The Global Cornerstones projects are global 
programmes of activities centred on a specific theme and represent the 
means to achieve the IYA 2009’s main goals; whether it is the support 
and promotion of women in astronomy, the preservation of dark-sky sites 
around the world or educating and explaining the workings of the 
Universe to millions, the eleven cornerstones will be the key facets of 
the success of the IYA 2009.
The Global Cornerstone Project progress reports are now available on 
line! Please note that these are draft versions and the budgets are just 
estimates. Please feel free to use these reports to plan your national 
New Cornerstone: Developing Astronomy Globally Cornerstone*
On the website you can find the project description of this new 
Cornerstone project: http://www.astronomy2009.org/content/view/331/109/
If you or someone from your country would like to be involved in this 
Task Group, please feel free to contact the task group chair Kevin 
Govender <kg at saao.ac.za>

*Art-Science collaboration project*
A message from Helen Sim (SPoC from Australia – Email: Helen.Sim at csiro.au):
“The Australian Broadcasting Corporation is going to finance the 
development of a Science and Arts documentary project. The project will 
be chosen in a pitching competition in February 2008: entries are due in 
January 2008.

Details of the competition are at http://www.abc.net.au/tv/aidc/ .

Although the entry must by made by an Australian resident, there is no 
rule (as far as I can see) that prevents that resident from 
collaborating with anyone else, from anywhere. There is the glory of 
winning the prize but, more importantly from my point of view, there is 
the opportunity for a production to be made, tied to IYA, that could 
screen internationally. I would be happy to collaborate with someone 
from overseas on such a proposal. I would also be happy if an IYA-linked 
proposal were entered through any other Australian resident.”

*ESO Catch a Star*
Douglas Pierce-Price (ESO SPoC – E-mail: dpiercep at eso.org) has asked us 
to publicize the ESO Catch a Star project, that would also happen in 
2009. Please check: http://www.eso.org/catchastar/cas2008/

Thanks to everyone and may we all stand together to take things to the 
stars and beyond.
When outside, look up!

*** If you are at all interested in Astronomy Education and Outreach, please join the AstroNet email list - details on SA International Year of Astronomy website: www.astronomy2009.org.za ***

Kevin Govender
Manager: SALT Collateral Benefits Programme
South African Astronomical Observatory
Office: +27 21 460 9350
Mobile: +27 82 487 8466
Fax: +27 21 447 3639
Email: kg at saao.ac.za
Skype: kevindran
Website: www.saao.ac.za / www.salt.ac.za
Postal: P.O. Box 9, Observatory, Cape Town, 7935, South Africa
Street: SAAO, Observatory Road, Observatory, Cape Town, South Africa

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