[AstroNet] from Lion's Head

Kevin Govender kg at saao.ac.za
Sun Jan 20 15:18:31 SAST 2008

Hi all
This message coming to you from the top of Lion's Head.
Following the disappointed replies to my last email (by people not able 
to make it to Cape Town for the telescopes on Lion's head hike), I was 
hoping to broadcast the excitment of the full moon rise on Tuesday over 
the net using the cellphone network. However, my scout today reveals 
that for some reason I'm not able to get a 3G signal up here (only GPRS).
However, I will follow up with Vodacom and check what the situation is. 
We've tested this before from the top of Devil's Peak and that seemed to 
work fine.
In terms of astronomy outreach and education these links over skype or 
the internet are a great way to teach especially very young people about 
topics such as seasons and length of day etc (simply by linking with 
people across the world). Once I can figure out this problem with 3G 
I'll be able to skypecast/webcast all such future activities. Let your 
minds go wild and let's talk about other ideas where we can use this 

Reminder: there will be a total lunar eclipse on the morning of February 
21st 2008 so watch your inbox for more information and reserve the date 
- we'll probably be skypecasting it like last year (see 
http://www.unawe.org/eclipse2007/index.php). Those without skype - get 
hooked up at www.skype.com - very useful resource.

*** If you are at all interested in Astronomy Education and Outreach, please join the AstroNet email list - details on SA International Year of Astronomy website: www.astronomy2009.org.za ***

Kevin Govender
Manager: SALT Collateral Benefits Programme
South African Astronomical Observatory
Office: +27 21 460 9350
Mobile: +27 82 487 8466
Fax: +27 21 447 3639
Email: kg at saao.ac.za
Skype: kevindran
Website: www.saao.ac.za / www.salt.ac.za
Postal: P.O. Box 9, Observatory, Cape Town, 7935, South Africa
Street: SAAO, Observatory Road, Observatory, Cape Town, South Africa

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