[AstroNet] IAU - UNESCO Symposium 260 'The role of Astronomy in Society and Culture'

David Valls-Gabaud david.valls-gabaud at obspm.fr
Tue Sep 30 23:39:40 SAST 2008

Dear colleagues,

Please find below the announcement for IAU Symposium 260. I would very much
appreciate it if you could, as SPOCS, circulate it among astronomers,
amateurs, planetaria, teachers, students and artists in your country who may
be interested in attending.

Note that the Symposium will take place the week following the Inaugural
 Ceremony, also at UNESCO.

There is a small amount of funding towards expenses. For instance we hope to
be able to lodge some people for free in Paris. So please do send the
announcement as widely as possible, we do want to hear from everyone in this
unique conference.

Could you also send me your postal address so that we can send you posters for
further diffusion. Many thanks in advance.

Looking forward to welcoming you in Paris next January,

Best regards,

                             David Valls-Gabaud


 We are pleased to announce Symposium 260 of the International Astronomical
Union on

               The rôle of Astronomy in Society and Culture

 to be held on January 19-23, 2009, at the UNESCO Headquarters in Paris

 For the first time since the founding of the IAU in 1919, a Symposium is
devoted to the exploration of the many relationships that Astronomy has
established with the different cultures across our planet.

 The 4.5 days of scientific sessions will be evenly divided into three main
programs, dealing with cultural aspects, astronomy in society, and educational
issues. They should help to bridge the gap not only within the astronomical
community at large (astronomers, amateurs, planetaria, teachers) but also, and
more importantly, with our societies. The programs consist of invited reviews,
contributed talks and posters. The conference talks will be published by
Cambridge University Press in the IAU Symposia Series.

 An art exhibition featuring works from artists inspired by astronomical
phenomena is also organised within the activities of the Symposium, with a
forum for discussions on these topics with the artists present.

 The conference is now open for registration. For submitting contributions,
and further details on the conference, please visit the website :


 We look forward to seeing you in Paris next January !

                                David Valls-Gabaud, on behalf of the SOC

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