Marina Joubert marina at southernscience.co.za
Sun Jun 3 09:11:03 SAST 2012

Dear SASJA colleagues
Here is a list of links to images/animations about the SKA South Africa
project that may be useful:
General images, including key staff, students, animations, etc  - SKA South
Africa: http://www.ska.ac.za/media/visuals.php
Images of KAT-7 (the seven dish prototype already constructed):
Realistic 3D animation(movie) of the MeerKAT telescope as it will appear
on-site in the Karoo when it is completed in 2016 and SKA movies -
Africa's core site and partner countries -
SKA (international) images and movies about the instrument and the science
it will do - http://www.skatelescope.org/media-outreach/images/
Time lapse video of KAT-7 in the Karoo:
Logos of SKA (international) and SKA Africa:
We are updating and adding more images all the time - especially new ones of
KAT-7 - taken by MeerKAT team on site.
We recently received new images from Nadeem Oozeer, Peter Macfarlane and
Maik Wolleben that we will add this week to the KAT-7 gallery.
If you have any suggestions for photos to add, please let me know.
Marina Joubert
SKA SOUTH AFRICA - www.ska.ac.za
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