[SASCON] Delegates Attending:Coastal&Ocean Exploration Conference

Melanie Darlow M.Darlow at ru.ac.za
Tue Sep 30 10:58:25 SAST 2003

Dear Delegate,
Travel and accommodation arrangements for the International Coastal and Ocean Exploration Conference
Please be reminded that some of you have still not given us any indication of your travel and accommodation arrangements.  It is very difficult for us to plan the logistics of transport without knowing when you plan to arrive, whether or not you need to be collected at the airport, whether you intend to hire a car, etc.  And unless we know where you plan to stay, we will be unable to include you in the free shuttle service to and from the conference venue.
I would appreciate it if you could let me have the following information as soon as possible:
  a.. Date and time of arrival in East London (need only arrive by 17h00 on 28th Oct)
  b.. If by air, please provide flight details
  c.. Would you like to be collected at the airport? 
  d.. If driving, will you have a car for the duration of the conference?
  e.. Accommodation details
  f.. Special dietary requirements
  g.. Electronic version of your presentation 
If you have not yet paid your registration fee, please would you do so as soon as possible. Payment can be made by cheque, direct deposit or credit card - do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries.
Please bear in mind that although East London boasts a mild climate, the weather in spring can be unpredictable and we suggest you bring a light raincoat or umbrella.  In October it is likely to warm but sometimes rainy, ranging from 14 to 26 ºC.
We have had some queries about the conference dress code. For the most part, we intend to keep it fairly informal, so wear whatever makes you comfortable, or dress as you would for work.  Suggested dress for social functions:
Tuesday 28 October:
4pm-6pm: Registration at East London Museum followed by the opening reception in the Marjorie Courtenay-Latimer Room (East London Museum)
Dress: Smart/Casual
Wednesday 29 October:
6pm onwards: African Pageant and Formal Dinner
Dress: Formal/Traditional
Thursday 30 October:
5pm onwards: Sundowners Beach Bash (Nahoon Beach)
Dress: Very casual
Friday 31 October:
7pm onwards: Supper at Latimer's Landing (discovery site of the first coelacanth) for delegates departing Saturday or staying on for a post-conference tour.
Dress: Casual
We look forward to you joining us in East London, home of the coelacanth, for the International Coastal and Ocean Exploration Conference!
Best wishes,
Melanie Darlow
Conference Organiser
Mrs Melanie Darlow
Administrative Co-ordinator
Coelacanth Programme
P/Bag 1015
Tel: 046-6035830
Fax: 046-6222403
Web: www.coelacanth.ac.za
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