[AstroNet] IYA Update

Kevin Govender kg at saao.ac.za
Tue Dec 4 23:55:02 SAST 2007

Hi all
Just a quick update since a lot of you have been waiting for word about 
the long anticipated DST meeting:

Today we met with relevant parties in the DST and NRF and all I can say 
at this time is that it looks very positive in terms of support coming 
from Government. There were a few more details required and changes to 
be made to the business plan but this should happen soon and we should 
have word about actual funding for specific activities before the next 
financial year (April 2008).

In the meantime we are waiting in eager anticipation for the word from 
the United Nations about the official resolution in terms of declaring 
2009 the International Year of Astronomy. If you have contacts and links 
with the press please get in touch with me as we plan on having a press 
release ready and waiting so that it can be released with the hype of 
the UN resolution (and even before).

2008 promises to be a busy and exciting year in preparation for 2009. 
You will be hearing from us often and I hope we all can rally together 
efficiently to ensure maximum impact before, during and after IYA2009.


*** If you are at all interested in Astronomy Education and Outreach, please join the AstroNet email list - details on SA International Year of Astronomy website: www.astronomy2009.org.za ***

Kevin Govender
Manager: SALT Collateral Benefits Programme
South African Astronomical Observatory
Office: +27 21 460 9350
Mobile: +27 82 487 8466
Fax: +27 21 447 3639
Email: kg at saao.ac.za
Skype: kevindran
Website: www.saao.ac.za / www.salt.ac.za
Postal: P.O. Box 9, Observatory, Cape Town, 7935, South Africa
Street: SAAO, Observatory Road, Observatory, Cape Town, South Africa

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