[AstroNet] Lion's Head a success and new competition

Kevin Govender kg at saao.ac.za
Wed Jan 23 01:44:50 SAST 2008

Hi all
Two points:

1. Quick note to say well done to all involved in the Skypecast and 
telescope viewing from the top of Lion's head, especially the great 
teams from MTN Sciencentre and SAAO who each lugged up a telescope for 
the viewing pleasure of the public. It was quite a statement in terms of 
our technological (and physical) capability and surely a first for a 
skypecast from the top of a mountain with telescopes nogal! The crowd 
was huge! There must been been easily over 200 people up there coming 
and going all evening - almost no space to walk around! We've proved the 
capability and made the statement - skypecasts from a mountain top to 
people across the world - full video links with Mozambique, Durban, 
Netherlands and whoever else wanted to. Let's get innovative with 
outreach! Next public event will probably be on the roof of Canal Walk - 
the big mall in Cape Town and home to the MTN Sciencentre.

2. On that positive note and following some discussions up on the 
mountain, we'd like to launch a friendly competition on "Most innovative 
astronomy outreach". Let your minds free and let's get innovative with 
outreach! Announce your innovative event on this email discussion list 
and we'll also add it to the www.astronomy2009.org.za website. It may be 
something you are already doing that you consider innovative in terms of 
astronomy outreach. MTN Sciencentre, SAAO and World Federation for 
Science Journalists have set a good start with this Lion's Head 
Skypecast and telescope viewing - let's have some more. Matie and Dawie, 
let's see what Bloem can do to compete with the Astro-Capetonians. What 
will Claire at the Jhb Planetarium do to look beyond Jo'burg's light 
pollution? Can Mdumiseni at Unizul Science Centre bring KZN to the 
party? Can the expert starwatchers of ASSA outshine the science centres? 
Entrants will be accepted without deadline and winners selected by 
voting later in the year. Prizes will be grand - besides the 
astronomical status it would bring to the individual/organisation, 
winners will be treated to a trip to Sutherland and a personal tour of 
SALT (accommodation and transport will be provided as long as you can 
make it to Cape Town - but we can negotiate :) ). Let your minds loose 
and let's get innovative with outreach! An interim webpage has been set 
up on www.astronomy2009.org.za under "Projects" so go ahead and spread 
the word!

Well done once again to those who participated tonight - both online and 
physically up on the mountain.


*** If you are at all interested in Astronomy Education and Outreach, please join the AstroNet email list - details on SA International Year of Astronomy website: www.astronomy2009.org.za ***

Kevin Govender
Manager: SALT Collateral Benefits Programme
South African Astronomical Observatory
Office: +27 21 460 9350
Mobile: +27 82 487 8466
Fax: +27 21 447 3639
Email: kg at saao.ac.za
Skype: kevindran
Website: www.saao.ac.za / www.salt.ac.za
Postal: P.O. Box 9, Observatory, Cape Town, 7935, South Africa
Street: SAAO, Observatory Road, Observatory, Cape Town, South Africa

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