[AstroNet] Galileoscope discussion

rupert at saao.ac.za rupert at saao.ac.za
Wed Mar 11 10:43:28 SAST 2009

My 2 cents worth...

Surely the point of the Galileoscope is not only to see what Galileo  
saw but to be challenged and rewarded for over coming those challenges  
by being able to see the wonders above?
I think there is far greater reward in being able to "create" a  
telescope then to be handed it on a plate. Not only will kids learn  
about technical problems and that they are capable of solving it  
themselves but they may be inspired to go further, instead of  
believing that every thing comes from some far off land. Give them a  
lesson in the alignment of the optics and the only thing not readily  
available- the optics.
I am sure their are capable people in this mailing list who could  
build a telescope out of some cardboard or sticks and sticky tape! A  
tripod can be made from a string hanging from a tree, or three  
broomsticks tied together? Necessity is the mother of invention- and  
kids can be resourceful once given the idea. Sure they might not be  
able to see the moons of Jupiter on the first attempt at building a  
telescope- but I doubt Galileo could after he tried to make his first  
telescope either!

Cost should not be the issue- but inspiring and challenging kids that  
they are capable of doing it for themselves! Showing somebody pictures  
of Mount Everest does not inspire somebody to climb it, rather skills  
gained a small hills gives people the confidence to climb bigger ones...


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